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Welcome to the BB Challenge. Can you do it?

The challenge consists of 50 different challenges that can be done in any order you want. Each challenge that is completed succesfully will move you up the BB rankings. Every 5 challenges completed will put you into a new level. There are 3 levels, BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD. 

If you complete all 50 challenges you will be declared a BB CHAMPION!!! You will be added to the BB WALL and receive the BB Champion`s Trophy.



0-  White

5-   Pink

10- Yellow

15- Orange

20- Red

25- Blue

30- Purple

35- Bronze

40- Silver

45- Gold




Speaking Challenges consist of video practice and speeches. 

Video Home Study has 7 levels. Each level has many videos that can help you to study at home. The final video of each level is a practice challenge. When you can answer all the questions in practice challenge you are ready to challenge with a teadcher. Please contact BBE staff to set up a Challenge time for you to do your Challenge.


Speech Challenges are for students ready to try giving a short speech(no reading). There are 3 speeches to chose from.

  1. Please choose the speech that you would like to try.

  2. Print out the Speech template from the website.

  3. Add the words that you would like to say in your speech.

  4. Bring it in the BBE so that a teacher can check it. The teacher will then make an audio of the speech to make it easier to practice at home. When you can say your speech without reading you are ready.

  5. Please contact BBE staff to set up a Challenge time for you to do your Challenge.




Writing Challenges are for students that want to try to test their memory and writing skills. There are 15 levels, with the levels getting progressively more difficult as you move on. 

  1. Pick a level to challenge

  2. Study the words/sentences in the challenge. You can print out and use the practice sheets from the Writing Challenges webpage.

  3. When you are ready, do the challenge with your parents or contact BBE staff to set up a Challenge time for you to do your Challenge.


Special Challenges are to reward consistent study over a longer period of time.  There are 2 ways to pass challenges, taking home books from the BB library and using the online study provided by the etextbooks.


When a student has successfully finished a stamp card they will pass the Stamp Card 1 Challenge.

1 completed stamp card= Stamp Card 1 Challenge

2 completed stamp cards= Stamp Card 2 Challenge

3 completed stamp cards= Stamp Card 3 Challenge

ESmart textbooks online

20 completed tests (100%)= online study 1 challenge 

40 completed tests (100%)= online study 2 challenge

60 completed tests (100%)= online study 3 challenge

Please click the link for more information on how to use Esmart textbooks online.


Spelling Challenges are for students that want to try to test their spelling skills. There are 15 levels, with the levels getting progressively more difficult as you move on. 

  1. Pick a level to challenge

  2. Study the words in the challenge

  3. Use the audio to do practice challenges

  4. When you are ready, do the challenge with your parents or contact BBE staff to set up a Challenge time for you to do your Challenge.


The Super Special Secret Challenges are given to students when they reach certain levels in their quest to become BB CHAMPIONS.

Challenge 15 (Bronze 3)

Challenge 30 (Silver 3)

Chaellenge 45 (Gold 3)

Challenge 50 (BB CHAMPION)

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